I realised in the midst of crying babies, and beeping hospital machines that jobs come and go, but when you see your dearest baby child struggling to breath in your arms whilst sat on the hospital bed; nothing else matters anymore. Life in itself becomes such a precious thing, often taken for granted. This is why I took the decision to let go of all my ambitions, dreams, desires,... (who on earth would do such a thing) but inadvertently I left scarcely clinging on to the most important thing. Hope.
Hope that one day, my baby daughter will get better in time. Hope that one day I'll see that light at the end of the tunnel. Hope that all this struggle and pain is finally rewarded. Hope that one day that grey cloud that lingers above my house, shines it's silver lining.
Anyways.. on a lighter, m

Oh how I miss my morning aroma of fresh all-butter croissant travelling up my balcony and into my bedroom windows. How I miss my morning visit (some times in my PJ's) to get the first loaf of bread of the day. I equally miss that near mid-night trip to get that indulgent Low Fat Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-cream to eat just before bed.... Mmmmm!
Somehow despite the many advantages in that home, it was also time for change. Moving address, felt like a breakthrough. It felt like turning over a new page... a new chapter in my life. Leaving all the happy and sad memories that reigned in that house to making new memories in the new home.

"New home ... New me" was my mantra during my transition to my new home. I felt I found my self again. After months and years of running up and down the corridors of the hospitals, clinics and wards. Going from one hospital to another. Speaking to a doctors here, a nurse there. A consultant here and a surgeon there. A physiotherapist here, and a social worker there. My sole vocabulary and contact was with a cauldron of professionals. I was wearing many hats at one time. One minute I was a mum, a wife, a nurse, an advocate, a lawyer, a judge, and even had to play God (metaphorically speaking of course). "Please sign the consent form on the dotted line" the doctor's would say as they informed me of the pros and con and possibilities of my daughter surviving her

Finally months gone by and I eased into my normal yet abnormal life that I led. I gradually found my self again. All these years I felt my feet were running out of ground and I now I felt well-grounded then ever. I realised that I needed to depart myself from this madness and pick my self up. Don't get me wrong I love my daughter to bits but in order to look after one self that person must look after itself! Otherwise I would not be no good to my child if I couldn't put a smile on my face everyday I woke up.
Things are looking up