Most men don't like SHOPPING! Fact?

Went shopping today to check out what the fuss was all about. I usually don't like shopping during the New Years sales because the shops are swarming with bodies and being 5 foot ...erm tall - its quite daunting! Besides I hate queueing for the tills for ages to purchase something which I really could buy any other time in the year. Nothing really caught my eye from the 'sales' and before you could know it I was queueing at the Krispy Kreme counter! Why I always feel peckish when I go out is truly beyond me. Luckily I was with my daughter, so I had an excuse to sit on the bench and scoff the ring-shaped, chocolate and sprinkle covered treat. I made a funny observation. I saw a reluctant husband in the shopping centre sporting a slouched back and frown; who would probably rather be seeing footie on telly on the sofa at home. Another man rushed by tagging along with the wife who was going 40mph leading ahead! I smiled to myself thinking 'poor man'. Opposite across the shopping centre was yet another 'helpless, vulnerable' husband sat on the couch in front of Primark in the shopping centre anxiously waiting for his wife who is probably running like a wild goose purchasing the entire SHOP!! I felt so sorry for the man as he had been bullied into looking after the children, the crying baby in the pushchair and the pet dog while the wife spends their life savings in one day!
I got up and walked into John Lewis and as I was making a beeline for the homeware section I overheard a conversation between a man and a woman in the women's clothing department. A woman was asking the dreaded age old question: 'Watcha think of this dress?' as she holds the dress in front of her. Not only can the poor man not hear her with the christmas music in the store but now he's panicing whether or not he should say the truth! At this point the safest option would be to smile and nod your head! (which he did). He also had this vacant look on their face; either he was dreaming of when they'll be home for dinner, something technical or another lady! (Let's hope it's not the latter!).
As I was travelling up on the escalator I passed the Lingerie and Accessories section. I saw yet another poor male 'victim' standing lost amongst the array of silk, lace, frills and ribbon clad itsy lingerie. Men don't know what to do with themselves when the female of species be it their wife, girlfriend or daugther is in the lingerie section! I bet their thinking ...'Oh no! Not the lingerie section!' but then again me a female -do I know what these men are really thinking! Talking from observation; men aren't really allowed to smile in the lingerie section for fear of looking like a pervert; so what do they do? ...They act all DUMB! Suddenly the poor guy finds himself leaning on a bra stand which proudly hangs some purple frilly double F bras! He jumps at the sight nearly knocking them over! (Yikes!) Lol.... this really did happen but I'm sworn to secrecy as to who this happened to! ...but I'll leave you to be the judge of that.

As for now us lady's are going to have to put up with: "Are you finished looking yet? This is about the 20th shoe shop we've been to! I'm tired, I wanna go home, I wanna do a number 2 and I'm hungry!"
MEN: You can't live with them and you can't live without them!