My microwave has gone kaput after 7 years! So I would like to
take this moment to think a while, pay my respects and appreciation of
an amazing invention of mankind!
Dear Microwave,
We go back a long time. You were gleaming and shiny when I first brought you home and against the other kitchen appliances you had the pride of place on the counter top.
You have been with me through thick and thin. There’s been difficult times like that stubborn jacket potato which had you working overtime and there’s been easier times like the croissant that just took a couple of seconds of your tender time to warm.
You have performed against the odds; you coped through birthdays, anniversaries, family gatherings, dinner parties and more. You never wanted anything in return apart from a gentle lemon-wash cleaning now and then.
You have given food a temporary home, consoled them and warmed them up before they were devoured.
You never wasted any time in making popcorn and always ‘dinged’ on time before the movie started.

Now…… you have done your fair share of hard work and everything has taken a toll on you…but one thing I must say..... WHAT A WAY TO GO!!!! With a display of ***FIREWORKS AND SPARKS!***
You will never be forgotten! :)
Poem by Asma Begum
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